Financial planning
401(k)'s : panacea or problem?
For many years, Americans rely on to basic forms of retirement; pensions and Social Security! The former was tied to your job, the latter a federal program and acted after the Great Depression of 1935.
In 1978, a new retirement vehicle was born; the (Read More)

Will A Greek Default hurt America?
On the last day of June the country of Greece did not make a demand 1.7 billion payment to the European
Central Bank thus becoming the first developed country to default in modern times. What looms for Greece and by contagion the global economy will be decided in the next few weeks, but Americans saddled with an . . . (Read More)

LIFE INSURANCE: Buy Term and Invest The Difference Examined
A Million Dollars a Minute
On Friday January 29, 2016 the United States national debt reached 19 trillion dollars. In the last few decades we have seen an unprecedented escalation of government borrowing, currently a million dollars a minute! In 1989, our nation's debt was (read more)